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Process Analytical

Adage offers the most comprehensive range of Gas Analytical Solution for process and quality optimization.Our world class products for process analytics include Field Proven Solutions with NDIR , Paramagnetic , FID , TCD , UV , CLD & Laser based Continuous Gas Analyzers & Process GC encompassing almost all kind of Industrial applications ...from stand alone systems to very complex solutions in Analyzer Shelters with HVAC.... The expeience is  Unmatched !

Cement Plant Solutions 

Kiln Inlet Application

Pre Heater Application

Pre Calciner Application

Fine Coal Bin Application

Coal Mill Inlet Application

Coal Mill Outlet Application

CMBF Application

Inert Gas Application

ESP Application

RABH Stack

Chemical Plant Solutions 

Countless applications for all kind of Analyzers for Process efficiency Process Saftey and Quality Control for Base,Fine & Special Chemical in Numerous processes and plants like Air Seperation , Chlorine Production,Vinyl Chloride Plants, Pigments etc.

Steel Plant Solutions 

Blast Furnace Applications

HS Waste gas Application

LD Converter Applications

Sinter Plant Applications

Coke Oven Plant Application

Air Seperation Plant Applications

Gas Mixing Station Applications

Emission Monitoring Systems

Power Plant Solutions 

Gas Monitoring In Turbo Geneator 

Air Pre Heater Application

Coal Silo Applications

Custody Transfer Application

SCR Application

Emission Monitoring Systems

Fertilizer Plant Solutions 

Various Solutions in Fertilizer Plant Applications in Ammonia Urea Plant , Complex Fertilizer Plant ( DAP / NPK ).

Oil & Gas Plant Solutions

Applications in Upstream ( Exploration ) Downstream ( Refining Hydrocarbon Processing ) for Process efficiency , Process Saftey & Quality Control.


Downstream Applications like Syngas Generation , Gas Processing , Petroleum refining , Petrochemical Processing.

Typical Gas Conditioning System

Sample Probe             

Scavenging System

Sample Lines (heated / non-heated)

Primary Pressure reducing station

Gas Cooler

Dust/Moisture/Acid Removal Filters

Enclosures with / without AC or Vortex Cooler

Flow Monitor

Gas Analyzer

Calibration Cylinders


An efficient Cement , Steel , Fertilizer , Oil & gas  production unit critically depends on energy efficiency in production processes and on securing a high product quality. Hereby, the co­incineration of alternative fuels in substituting primary fuels is gaining more importance. Therefore it is necessary to continuously monitor the processes with analyzing systems , also in order to comply with the relevant emission limit values. Where safety is a criteria , proven solution is a must . On Proveness & Reliability ... ADAGE is  preferred for many customers .

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